Thursday, 23 February 2012

Mel: ld_animToCurve - create nurbs curve from moving objects or verts

Download the script directly, here (follow link and place it in maya's script directory)
or from creativecrash here.

Creates a nurbs curve for each selected object and/or vert over a series of frames (like a motionTrail, but without the motionTrail bit).

Works using xforms - so object could be skinned, constrained, driven by expressions etc,
Simple to cleanup - just rebuild the curve,
Simple to use - select the objects and/or verts you want and execute using ld_animToCurve ;

Useful for quickly putting together complex shapes or tracking a vert's/object's position.

07/03/12:  0.6.0
    Fixed issue selecting some verts.
   Added poly faces - now requires modified version of owen burgess' 2009 script "" (included).


  1. cool, script. dunno what to use it for atm, but there are bound to be some motiongraphics or similar to use it for.

    1. cheers Toke, it was better when it worked on all/most components rather than just verts, the simple way would just chug too much on heavy meshes, I've got a few ideas to get it sorted though.

  2. Cool! You can use this to do ribbons as motion trail... Love It!

  3. Hi Lee, I asked the same question at your Vimeo channel, but perhaps it's better to ask here.

    I tried selecting multiple vertex at once, or vertex that is adjacent to each other, it fails. The weird thing is, if I select few vertex randomly, it works on multiple mesh vertices.

  4. Hi Jimmy, apologies for that, updated version available from both mediafire and creativeCrash.

    1. Thanks a lot Lee, this version works like charm. Awesome script, I like the simplicity.
