Scott shared a wealth of knowledge on facial anatomy - how to recognise and understand various landmarks on the face for construction and deformation, variations on the bell curve, the differences between gender, race and species, as well as FACS breakdowns and so much more.
Here's an overview of the construction task over the three days.
Adding the eyeballs, orbital fat, superior and inferior Tarsus, Levator tendon, Canthus and Orbicularis oculi. Also, cleaning up where the Masseter joins the Zygomatic bone.
Adding the Frontalis, Procerus, Corrugator supercilii (should have been under the frontalis), Orbicularis oris, Buccinator and Buccal fat (far too much!).
Adding Zygomaticus major and minor, Depressor labii inferioris, Depressor anguli oris, Mentalis, Levator labii superioris and chin fat (for the mentalis).
I need to practice noses!
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